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FRex Lua Blog

Welcome to my Lua blog, about Lua, in Lua.


I've learned Lua 5.2 back in early 2010s, because it was the most recent version at the time. Later I downgraded to 5.1, since its features were good enough and 5.1 is the version implemented by LuaJIT, but I usually use and deeply explore the stock PUC Lua 5.1 these days.

Since May 2023 I started to use Lua again, for scripting, data and dialogues in my C++ game (not yet released) which inspired me to start this blog. The posts on this blog are generated by my own pure Lua script, including a partial implementation of Markdown in pure Lua.

This blog is NOT affiliated with LuaJIT, PUC, Tecgraf, or anyone!

Very WIP, check back soon.

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